I have so many questions:
How do I teach the cat to use the litterbox?
Where is Toomaj Salehi?
Should I make cat treats based on a recipe by someone who writes "irregardless"?
How many more times will the occupying regime in Iran hack someone's account, add a suicide note, and then murder them?
Why can I taste salt on some days and not on other days?
Will I have time to complete all my writing projects?
What's the point of lightning and thunder without rain?
Will I ever see Nathan Fillion in a series where he doesn't fall in love with a woman who is secretly married to a loser?
Should I read the next book in my Kindle library, or should I read the sequel to the book I just read?
Why doesn't the US change the ridiculous quotation punctuation rule now that the printing issue no longer exists?
With big pharma calling the shots and all the insurance fraud going on, what is the meaning of the oath doctors take?