Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Nowruz 2025

As Nowruz arrives, bringing the promise of renewal and hope, I and other Iranians around the world welcome the new year with a deep longing for true freedom. This ancient celebration of rebirth reflects our unwavering desire to see an end to the occupying regime that has oppressed our people for decades. We dream of a future where Iran is free, where justice prevails, and where every voice can rise without fear. As we embrace the spirit of change, we hold onto the hope that this year will mark the beginning of a liberated and sovereign Iran.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Your Scarf

In 2023, Mehdi Yarrahi dared to sing a song titled Roosarito (Your Scarf):

For singing this song, the occupying regime in Iran arrested, jailed, and tortured him before releasing him on bail (a ridiculously large amount of money). Finally, he was tried and sentenced. 

Yarrahi explains everything in a recent video (which has English subtitles):

Today, finally, the last part of his sentence, 74 lashes, was completed.

Yarrahi has not been allowed to work during this time, and even though he is now officially released and his sentence is done, he is still suffering physically, mentally, ... and financially. 

Mehdi Yarrahi has always stood with the people, fighting alongside them with his music. We can support him by listening to his songs on YouTube.

He is also on Instagram:

#MehdiYarrahi #Roosarito #WomanLifeFreedom

Sunday, February 9, 2025


Today marks forty-six years of oppression by the terrorist regime occupying Iran. May this be the last.


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

January 7

Since the beginning of the Woman-Life-Freedom movement in Iran, the IRGC, the Islamic Republic Guard Corps currently occupying Iran, have murdered countless Iranian athletes — simply because they were physically strong. Two such beautiful athletes were hanged two years ago today. Their names were Mohammad Hosseini and Mohammad Mehdi Karami. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2024


I have so many questions:

How do I teach the cat to use the litterbox?

Where is Toomaj Salehi?

Should I make cat treats based on a recipe by someone who writes "irregardless"?

How many more times will the occupying regime in Iran hack someone's account, add a suicide note, and then murder them?

Why can I taste salt on some days and not on other days?

Will I have time to complete all my writing projects?

What's the point of lightning and thunder without rain?

Will I ever see Nathan Fillion in a series where he doesn't fall in love with a woman who is secretly married to a loser?

Should I read the next book in my Kindle library, or should I read the sequel to the book I just read?

Why doesn't the US change the ridiculous quotation punctuation rule now that the printing issue no longer exists?

With big pharma calling the shots and all the insurance fraud going on, what is the meaning of the oath doctors take?
