Thursday, November 16, 2023

God of Rainbows

One year ago today, a nine-year-old boy named Kian Pirfalak was shot and killed by the Islamic regime forces in the city of Izeh, in Iran, during the Woman Life Freedom movement. Kian was a little scientist who hoped to become a robotics engineer. After his death on November 16, 2022, one of his videos went viral, in which he explained that he was going to test a boat he had built. He began his experiment with the words "in the name of the god of rainbows." 

Since the Islamic regime forces stole the bodies of the people they killed to sell them back to the families, who paid anything they had to just so they could bury their loved ones, Kian's mother immediately took her dead son's body home to protect it. After nine years of making sure her son slept comfortably by covering him with blankets during cold nights, the woman had to cover her son's body with ice until she could bury him. 

During the same shooting that killed Kian, the boy's father was badly injured and taken to hospital. With his vital signs so unstable, his wife didn't tell him what had happened to Kian. He needed more than one operation and ended up spending months in hospital not knowing his son had died. Once his condition stabilized, his wife finally informed Mr. Pirfalak, and photos went viral of the poor man in a wheelchair visiting his son's grave.

The Islamic regime forces haven't stopped persecuting Kian's family since they murdered the boy: first his mother, then both parents, and eventually other family members, first during his burial, then on the day that Kian would have turned ten, then on the fortieth day after his death, when Iranians hold a special ceremony for their dead. Today, the evil forces arrested several people who had gathered to observe the anniversary of Kian's death. 

The demonic regime has also sentenced an innocent protestor to death for killing Kian Pirfalak. Kian’s own family have maintained that the man is innocent and that their child was shot and killed by regime forces.

Rest in peace, Kian.🌈

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