Friday, February 14, 2020

Valentine's Day

Today, my cardinals came back after their long absence. Well, they're not really mine, but they do come visit me every year, hang out in the cedar tree right outside my window, and expect fresh sunflower seeds from me, so I feel I have the right to get a little possessive. I was so excited to see them and felt like they were my Valentine's Day present from the universe. So maybe I celebrate Valentine's Day in my own weird way and get excited over things that don't matter to most people. This is not new.

I've always been weird... and, about this particular day of the year, I noticed I was different many years ago when I went to the store on Valentine's Day to buy beef liver to make my dogs a special dinner. While I was standing in line at the cash register, I noticed everyone before me and after me was holding flowers and a box of chocolate, and there I was holding beef liver. To each his own.

Today, I went and got sunflower seeds to welcome the birds. I also got peanut butter, oatmeal, and honey to make the pups one of their favorite treats. Can you guess the shape of their treats?

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