Saturday, October 1, 2022

Be Their Voice / Say Her Name

Women and men are protesting side by side in the streets of Iran to get their country back from the current government, a.k.a. murderers. They are fighting for freedom, for women's rights, for a normal life. They have named their revolution #WomanLifeFreedom. All they ask of us, the rest of the world, is to share the events happening in Iran, so that said murderers see our brave women and men are not alone.

All of this started with the murder of #MahsaAmini by the "morality" police (don't get me started on the irony here).

Each one of you can help. The simplest way is to retweet the following song, by #ShervinHajipour, a young artist who got arrested because he collected people's tweets, tweets that stated why they joined this revolution, and sang it. We don't know if Shervin is alive or dead, but his song has now become the song of the revolution. It's called Baraye, which in Farsi means "For"... as in For Freedom.

You can hashtag the artist's name: #ShervinHajipour
Or you can hashtag the name of the revolution: #WomanFreedomLife
Or you can hashtag the name of the twenty-two-year-old innocent girl who got beaten to death that started all of this: #MahsaAmini

Or you can hashtag all three, along with the retweet of the song:


Here's the song with its lyrics in English:

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