Thursday, March 12, 2020

Book Review

Bits & Pieces by Dawn Hosmer is the story of a girl, Tessa, with an unwanted gift. If she physically touches someone, she will experience flashes of specific colors, each representing that person's pain, abilities, premonitions, or memories. Over the years, she has become a combination of her own identity and all these bits of others, which she has gradually and accidentally acquired. She doesn't go out much and avoids people as much as she can for this very reason, but her therapist encourages her to abandon her solitude and have a social life, so Tessa tries. As soon as she meets someone she believes to be a nice guy and actually connects with him, she also starts having disturbing memories of various women's faces as they are dying, a serial killer's memories, and Tessa has to find out where she picked up this nightmare now living in her head.

This very well-written story is mainly a psychological thriller but contains elements of so many other genres: mystery, supernatural, romance, and suspense. It is fast-paced and has a huge twist. I was hooked from the first page and could not put it down. I highly recommend it to everyone – with a warning: Some of Tessa's memories are very disturbing; they are, after all, those of a sadistic serial killer.

I congratulate Dawn Hosmer on the fantastic job she's done, give this book five stars, and look forward to reading its sequel.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome review! I will definitely add Bits and Pieces by Dawn Hosmer to my to read list.
