Sunday, April 12, 2020

End of the Tunnel

The last time I posted an update on my unknown respiratory problem was eight days ago. My chest was burning from inside as if I had swallowed fire. That lasted three days. I started feeling a little better after that, but I wasn't sure if my improved condition would last, so I didn't post anything. I'd felt better for a couple of days in the past, but things had gotten worse again. I haven't had any chest pain for six days. I do experience a little tightness from time to time when I try to take a deep breath, but it doesn't feel nearly as scary as it did the first couple weeks. I still have a sore throat and I do feel a little congestion, but that's all.

During the last three weeks, I never had any fever, never lost my sense of smell or taste, and never had blue lips. I had all the other symptoms of Covid-19, but it wasn't the symptoms that scared me; it was my inability to breathe, to inhale. Thankfully, that's over. When I feel a little tightness in my chest or shortness of breath now, all I have to do is step outside, and it goes away after a few seconds.

I never got tested, so I don't know what I had, or have. I never saw a doctor. I never took any medicine, except for low-dose aspirin, which I have been regularly taking the last few years.

I only followed, religiously, the fifteen home remedies for bronchitis, which I found online:
1. lemon (eat fresh with its skin)
2. ginger and garlic (add to food & ginger tea)
3. eucalyptus oil (steam/inhale)
4. mustard
5. chicken soup (I had lentil soup instead)
6. raw honey
7. salt water (gargle)
8. steam diffusing
9. menthol rub
10. garlic concoction (hot water, raw garlic, ginger, honey, chili pepper)
11. rest
12. warm bath (I took hot showers instead)
13. analgesics (menthol rub & low-dose aspirin)
14. water
15. sun

I'm not back to normal, whatever normal was. I still cough and sometimes even wheeze, and my throat still hurts. However, I am, and have been for the last few days, able to function, and I believe being out in the sun, which has sadly disappeared since yesterday, helped me a great deal.

I feel I'm getting better. If that changes, I'll post an update.

Take care and stay safe.

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